Colors: Commodore 64

This covers the beloved Commodore 64 computer, for fans of POKE 53280. The data comes from The C64 Wiki.

The Commodore 64 keyboard had a key with the Commodore logo on it. This was a modifier, similar to CTRL or ALT on most keyboards, and the Command ("⌘") key on an Apple keyboard. Some colors were accessed by a cord with the Commodore key. As there is no glyph for the Commodore logo, I'm using the ⌘ character to represent it in the table below to represent it (I've seen other places represent it as C=).

The colors had a numerical value associated with them, used for various programing functions. For instance, you could type the aforementioned POKE 53280,color code to set the border to the color represented by color code. So, POKE 53280,14 would turn the border light blue. I've listed the color codes after the name/keystroke.

Reset Demonstration

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This site was created by Charles Barilleaux.
Last updated on May 22, 2022.
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